List Kits

Identify Your Most Responsive Audience With NWF Modeling

January 24th, 2014

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The National Wildlife Federation offers a custom modeling program with Good Customer Match and Mailed Regression models, featuring 694,000 member donors.

Backed by rich transactional, demographic and lifestyle data, NWF’s models use statistical techniques to identify characteristics of key customer segments, allowing mailers to identify their best prospects for optimum responses.

Omit the guesswork and let the National Wildlife Federation's Custom Modeling Program dictate how to get the most out of its passionate member donors.

Why choose NWF Custom Modeling? The answer is simple:

• No up-front costs
• Quick turnaround
• Comprehensive profile analysis  

Already know who you're looking for? See the entire line of NWF's membership's targeted responsive lists, also available. National Wildlife Federation represents wildlife lovers, nature enthusiasts, parents, grandparents, and consumers who are inspired to protect America's wildlife for our children's future.