
A Simple Addition That Can Make a Datacard Come to Life

December 5th, 2014 · List Management

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A look at how the datacard has evolved from being a statistical fact sheet, to a sort of data media kit — and the one change list owners can make to provide a more comprehensive overview of their organization, and the customers that support it.

Like many things in the direct marketing list industry, the datacard has changed too. Once considered to be just a menu of counts, selects, update schedules and a brief description of the list, everyone is now seeking more information.

One of RMI’s innovations from years ago was to incorporate video into the datacard. Not only was it a way to make the datacard stand out from the crowd, it was a powerful method to communicate more about the organization, the individuals who comprise the list, and what qualities make them a good match to mail.

Take philanthropy, for example. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States (and a staggering 7,445 datacards referencing donors in NextMark). Some of the organizations' missions are immediately identifiable, but others not so much.

The American Association of University Women, a national membership organization managed by RMI, is one with a lesser known mission. To help paint a picture of the organization, RMI embedded a powerful 31 second video in their datacard, which helps educate brokers and mailers about their cause and, in turn, a deeper understanding of their members.

A clear message of the mission or focus, along with the demographics of the list composition, is the perfect way to engage prospective users on why your list should be included in a list plan.